
AUTHOR POST: Poll time!

I realize that I don't know many of you who read this blog. You found it through another website, perhaps, or maybe a friend told you about it. But even if you don't know me and I don't know you, I'd still really appreciate hearing from you concerning this project of mine. It's been a fun month full of challenges, and I learned a lot about my writing and what I can and can't do. I'm going to continue this story past November, though I've won the NaNoWriMo challenge of writing at least 50,000 words of this "novel" in 30 days.

Now I need your feedback as to how to continue this undertaking. Please be completely honest; I can't see who votes for what, and I'm trusting everyone to only vote once. If you have anything else to add, please leave me a comment to this post! In fact, Bernice would love to read your comments to her entries, as well! Sometimes she even comments back. Make this a community thing, if you'd like. Feel free to ask questions and air concerns, posture guesses as to what happened or will happen and point things out. This is all for fun! (I'm certainly not doing it for monetary profit!) So have fun with it!

Thanks, and go vote below!

Thanks again for taking the time to give me some feedback!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the story. I read every day and I do love the journal style entry....I do however, understand that since you're continuing this , and that you were doing it for NaNoWriMo...that it is taking up your valuable time.... so however you prefer to carry it forward would be just fine with me. Fifty thousand words is A LOT of writing but it feels like we've only gotten to the first third of Bernices story and I'd hate to see it end here!

This site: Blurb is the one I was telling you about. You can do all sorts of variations with or without picutres for as little as one book for $12.95. I would totally order one too if you did it.... only if you'd autograph it of course :D

/nerdy fangirling.

Okay, so in conclusion CONGRATULATIONS on winning NaNoWriMo.

All content appearing on this blog belongs solely to Heather Layne, 2008.