
AUTHOR POST: Late post

I just cannot get Friday's post up tonight! We're closing at work later and later the closer it gets to Christmas, and even though my body is mostly awake, my mind is pretty much done functioning for the day. I'll have "Friday's" update posted by Saturday afternoon, and there will be a post on Sunday, too. If at all possible, I'll make up the missed day on Monday. I set a schedule and I'm going to do my best to stick to it, even during the holidays!

Thanks for your patience and your continued readership. And if you like reading about Bernice's adventures, and know of someone who you think would like it, too, please share the link to this blog! I don't think I'll ever get famous on the web for this odd little thing I'm writing, but the more the merrier! Share the love! Etc.

See you Saturday afternoon!

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All content appearing on this blog belongs solely to Heather Layne, 2008.