
Doubts and Fears

No sign of a rescue still, but I did learn some good news. (At least, I am trying to see it as "good.") The Captain told me this morning when I saw him on my hour's exercise that we would be arriving in Franklin Bay the day after tomorrow. If I have not been saved by then, there might be some hope of escaping once we have landed and disembarked. I know not what I might do, then, but I do still have all my money (that which I did not spend on my train ticket, now half-wasted as I was taken in the middle of my journey). My trunk, regretfully, is still on the Arabella Genevieve, but the Kyntons were so good to me that I am sure they will keep it for me until I am able to contact them.

I do worry about what they thought, when I did not come back to the train! I hope they did not waste time and delay their passengers by looking for me, as there would have been no use. They had little reason to search me out; I was merely a transient friend of their eldest daughter. I do think, sometimes, that they might have raised the alarm, at least. Given my description to the law in Sun City, and said I'd gone missing. Not that it would do much good, as I was soon hundreds (thousands? I do not know) of feet above the city, then miles and miles away from it, in different clothes and with different hair.

I do not know what to think now, Dear Reader. I have settled into a routine on this ship, but in two days' time, if I am not very quick and clever, I shall be delivered to man who paid to have me kidnapped, and I have no idea why! No one has ever heard of me, no one would have any reason to do anything with or to me! I start shaking when I think about it, and must turn my thoughts to other things in order to stop. I have been sleeping very poorly all the time I have been on the Royal Erebos, and am therefore tired and listless during the day, easy to anger and become annoyed, which is not fair to Mr. Miller (though I feel no remorse for lashing out at the captain).

Part of me will be glad when this journey is over, but mostly I am terrified of what will occur at its conclusion.

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All content appearing on this blog belongs solely to Heather Layne, 2008.